FreeBreeze 9.1 Family
Drops & Spray

FreeBreeze 9.1

How can I use FreeBreeze 9.1?
Route of administration:
- Under the tongue: 3-4 drops with bonbon or mint sweet
- Inhalation: 1-2 Drops in a nebulizer or with warm water
- Children >3 years old: 1 drop for / 15 kg body weight / Day
Frequently: 3 to 5 times a day
It is proved that administration of FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops helps in building and stimulating the immune system.
How can we use FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops to protect our respiratory system from Infection (Viral & Bacterial) and Allergy?
- For 5 consequence days: 3-4 drops under the tongue b.i.d
Followed by once/day 3-4 drops under the tongue.
- Or/ Intranasal every 4 hours / outdoor / at work / during flying or travelling (diluted FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops/ 2 drops in 5 ml Saline or water)

How fast is it working?
FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops has a very fast working. Its effect starts after 15 minutes of its intake and reaching a peak in 1-2 hours.
This effect last for 4-6 hours
hours after intake, as in the figures
Graf shows a Comparison between FreeBreeze 9.1 (Gray) and other mouth Inhalation (Orange).
- Under tongue Drops: to optimize the immune system in upper and lower Respiratory diseases
- Inhalation Drops: for upper Respiratory diseases, as it is very rich in Volatile active ingredients

When can I use it?
When Can I use FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops:
FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops is a food supplement and not a medicine
FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops helps in the following conditions:
- Allergic asthma (eosinophilic asthma)
- Cough (Dry or Productive)
- Sinusitis
- Respiratory Tract Infection
- To dissolve hard mucus as mucolytic
- As a prophylactic in cases of Allergic asthma, allergic sinusitis and allergic otitis media
- General Immune-Stimulant
- Antioxidants
Helps to decrease the common complains of Respiratory system infection and allergic asthma:
- Frequent cough, especially at night, Shortness of breath, Wheezing, Chest tightness, and Pain)
- Helps to decrease the frequency of the asthmatic cough attacks, especially at night.
- In the severe cases of recurrent attacks of allergic asthma, helps to decrease the doses of Corticosteroids and other medications over a period from 2-4 weeks.
- Helps to induce BRONCHO-DILATATION, which explains the improvement of the whole respiratory functions
Mucolytic, as it is liquifying the hard-plugged secretions and help in getting rid of it. Sometimes the patients develop attacks of recurrent productive cough, which is a very good sign of the fast action of FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops

Is it Safe?
Yes, we are Kawit Austria the first in EU to have the safety health certificate for Ferula asafoetida and FreeBreeze 9.1 as food supplement (the Austrian Ministry of Health).
The safety of FreeBreeze 9.1 was proved from the long history of use of F. asafoetida as spice and medicinal herb, back to 4000 years ago in north Africa, Asia and Roman empire.
Asafoetida continued till today, to be used as spice in the Indian kitchen as (Asant).
No reported single case with adverse effect after the consumption of F. asafoetida.
Our Ferula asafoetida extract is a well-studied and researched product with the collaboration with many well trained researchers in EU..
Tested and recommended by immunologist and physicians all over the world.
Ferula asafoetida is approved from FDA to be a safe food.
- The safety of FreeBreeze 9.1 was proved from the long history of use of F. asafoetida as spice and medicinal herb, back to 4000 years ago in North Africa, Asia and Roman Empire.
- Asafoetida continued till today, to be used as spice in the Indian kitchen as (Asant).
FreeBreeze 9.1 is the first certified food supplement in EU from our Ferula asafetida extract (the Austrian Ministry of Health since 2013).
What is FreeBreeze 9.1?
FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops is a unique extract from Ferula asafoetida plant that belongs to the newly developed group of plants with a medicinal mode of action.
Ferula asafoetida is a famous spice in India (Asant), it has more than 85 active ingredients, and because of that it has a wide range of physiological effects.

Discovered by Alexander’s forces. Its use in ancient herbal medicine dates to the seventh century B.C.
The clay tablets in the library of King Assurbanipal of Assyria identified 250 vegetable drugs including asafoetida. Asafoetida emerged as a substitute for the now-extinct precious spice silphium (also called lasar) during Alexander the Great’s invasion of Asia. The Roman historian Arrian recounts the discovery of asafoetida by the soldiers of Alexander. While crossing the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan, they discovered the asafoetida tree.
Also, Asafoetida had been imported from north Africa to the Roman Empire as a substitute to Laser which is believed to be another sister plant of Asafoetida.
Ferula asafoetida is an herbaceous, monoecious, perennial plant of the UMBELLIFERAE family. Asafoetida is native to central Asia, eastern Iran to Afghanistan, and today it is grown chiefly in Iran and Afghanistan, from where it is exported to the rest of the world.
The common name “F. asafoetida” is derived from the Farsi word aza (resin) and the Latin foetidus (smelling, fetid). It smells like onion and/or garlic.
It contains more than 85 active ingredients. Many medical claims have been made for the resin, most stemming from the belief that its fetid odor acts as a deterrent to germs.
Use in respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough, has also been documented, and in 1918 F. asafoetida was used in the Spanish influenza pandemic.
Today, F. asafoetida is commonly used as a fragrance component in perfumes (Channel 5) and in daily use in Asian vegetarian cooking (Asant).
1- Y. Y. Xiong et. al., 2012. Attenuation of airway hyperreactivity and T helper cell type2 responses by coumarins from PeucedanumpraeruptorumDunn in a murine model of allergic airway inflammation, J. Ethnopharmacology.
2- Chen-Yuan Chiang et. al., 2017. Osthole treatment ameliorates Th2-mediated allergic asthma and exerts immunomodulatory effects on dendritic cell maturation and function. Cell Mol Immunol.
3- Tsunetake Motai et. Al., 2004. Sesquiterpene coumarins from Ferula fukanensis and nitric oxide production inhibitory effects. J Nat Prod.
4- Unpublished data from KAWIT research lab, 2012
5- Mohammad Reza Khazdair et. Al., 2015. The Inhibitory Effects of Ferula assafoetida on Muscarinic Receptors of Guinea-Pig Tracheal Smooth Muscle. Jundishapur J.of Natural Pharmaceutical
6- Esmaeili H, 2020.Role of the potassium channels in vasorelaxant effect of asafoetida essential oil. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine
7- Sima Saeidy et. Al., 2018. Rheological and functional properties of asafoetida gum. Int J Biol Macromol
8-Mansurov MM, 1967. Effect of Ferula asafoetida on the blood coagulability. Meditsinskii Zhurnal Uz bekistana
9- Mike Greaves, 2005. Pharmacogenetics in the Management of Coumarin Anticoagulant Therapy: The Way Forward or an Expensive Diversion? PLoS Med
10- Seyed Hossein et. Al., 2016. study of mucosal immune, antioxidant and growth related genes and non-specific immune response of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed dietary Ferula (Ferula assafoetida). Fish & Shellfish Immunology
11- Augustine Amalraj and Sreeraj Gopi, 2017. Biological activities and medicinal properties of Asafoetida: A review. J Tradit Complement Med.
12- Poonam Mahendra and Shradha Bisht, 2012. Ferula asafoetida: Traditional uses and pharmacological activity. Pharmacogn Rev.
Ferula asafoetida Tree
Time to change
With the use of our FreeBreeze 9.1 Products, you will discover the difference in a very short time.

DRops & Spray
FreeBreeze 9.1 Family (Drops & Spray) helps to relieve the seasonal allergic symptoms (hay fevevr, sunusitis, allergic asthma, or any other type of allergy.
FreeBreeze 9.1 Spray
5 ml-
FreeBreeze 9.1 Drops
5 ml-